Please support the Friends of Ford’s Pond.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

All park improvements have been made possible through donations and volunteering.

Checks payable to:
Friends of Ford’s Pond

mail to:

P.O. Box 99

Sutherlin, Oregon 97479

Honor the memory of loved one or celebrate a milestone or achievement.

This park would not be possible without the generous support from our community.

We're an All-Volunteer Organization

The Benefits of Volunteering

How do you measure a park’s success? When community members become the stewards of the park. Thank you to Big Wrench Media and The Ford Family Foundation for the production of this video, and to all the volunteers at Ford’s Pond Community Park.

Volunteer Spotlight

September 2022

Sutherlin Mayor Michelle Sumner presented volunteer Tony Rosa with a Certificate of Appreciation for his work at Ford’s Pond. Tony donated over 3,000 hours clearing brush, removing trash, and serving as an ambassador for the park.

The Team Behind the Birding Plaza

Resident Anna Slemmer envisioned a place in Douglas County for people to study and learn about birds. Upon her passing in 2019, her family reached out with Anna’s vision and a generous gift, which we matched through our fundraising.

Unlike an enclosed bird/photo blind, the open design allows users to feel safer entering and to see/hear other’s approach, while seated. The custom metal canopies were made possible through the pro bono services provided by these companies and their employees: Gary and Hunter Fadness, Buglin’ Heights Drafting and Design, Inc., Levi Huffman Engineering, Toby Osborne & crew (Jordan Cox, Karl Heath, Zach Little, Kaylee Osborne), TnB Performance Fab and Design; Casey Richey, Roseburg Powder Coating, and Shawn, Thomas, and Dylan Smalley, Smalley & Sons Construction Inc.

Get In Touch
Volunteer Forms

For any park-related questions or concerns, please contact City Hall (541) 459-2857 or Public Works (541) 459-3542. 

Contact us to volunteer or to learn more about the Friends